Education is a Life-Long Investment
We left our office space in Walnut and have moved to our new location right next to West Covina Medical Center. The entrance to our new office is to the left of the hospital entrance.
We Moved!
Training Classes During COVID-19
All medical staff are designated as “essential” personnel. While AHA has extended expiration dates for 120 days starting with cards that expire in March 2020, many hospitals have not. This means that most healthcare personnel cannot work without current AHA cards. By continuing to offer AHA courses, we are helping healthcare workers continue to provide care to patients during this pandemic.
Safety for you and for others is our top priority. Therefore, we are continuing to provide our courses but with the following changes:
We are limiting the amount of the students in our classrooms. This in compliance in maintaining social distancing of at least 6 feet apart in all situations.
We will utilize registration and payment through our website. This is also in compliance with social distancing.
We have increased our sanitation methods within our training center. This is to create an safe environment for learning.
We will strongly encourage students to sign up for a later date if they are feeling sick, have a fever, sore throat, persistent cough or headache. We do not want to spread any diseases during our courses.
We will check all students’ temperature when they arrive at the lobby. IF STUDENTS HAVE A TEMPERATURE OF > 100 DEGREES FAHRENHEIT, THEY WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO ATTEND THE COURSE.
After establishing a normal temperature, students will be asked to wash their hands before the start of class.
We are committed to strictly adhering to WHO, CDC and AHA guidelines during this pandemic. We at Life-Ed 4 Nurses whole-heartedly believe that everyone is already doing everything possible to slow the transmission of this virus. We strongly believe that it is our personal and national responsibility. Thank you for your patience and understanding during this time.
Ryan Tacazon, MAOL, RCP, RRT, LVN
Manager / Instructor
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