We are a family-owned business that provides training, education, and professional development to healthcare professionals as well as the community.
What makes Life-Ed 4 Nurses unique is the fact that we don't have a set schedule of classes. Our classes are scheduled based on the needs of the students. If there are at least 3 people interested in a class, we will do our best to schedule a class at everyone's convenience. We try to meet your needs the best possible way we can.
Students want to learn and have so many questions, but are hindered with the inaccessibility of the instructors. With the small class sizes, many students have access to the instructors. Life-Ed 4 Nurses instructors are accessible every day at almost any time.
Since we are a family-owned business, students have felt the closeness and warmth of the Life-Ed 4 Nurses staff. We enjoy watching our students grow into strong, dependable healthcare professionals.
It's really not about the state-of-the-art training tools, or the impressive building in which a business is housed in. It's all about the people. In short, we are in the people-building business.
Faye Tacazon, BSN, RN
Owner / Program Coordinator / Instructor
Founder of Life-Ed 4 Nurses
Ryan Tacazon, MAOL, RCP, RRT, LVN
Manager / Instructor
Founder of Axios Medical Gear